A couple of weeks ago at Home Depot he asked if we could buy this pumpkin plant for $1.00.

A dollar?…totally do-able. Especially if we get pumpkins out of it and don’t have to buy any in October.
It was supposed to come with soil and three seeds but as you can see someone had removed the soil pellet before we bought it and we didn’t realize it.

Not to worry, we have plenty of soil at our house. Planting seeds and watching them grow is soooo cheap and he really enjoys checking on them.
Planting the seeds is probably his favorite part.
(excuse the paint on the porch, it's under construction)

Then you just add a little water (from your new pedestal sink in the bathroom!)
And lastly, put the top on and place it in a window until your seeds sprout.
Hopefully soon, we’ll have sprouts. Until then, I’ll be researching how much sun and space pumpkins need.
Here's some more cheap plants we now have. Dianthus we picked up off the clearance rack half dead already at Lowe's for $1.00. It just needed a bigger pot and some fresh soil.

Sunflowers for $1.00. The smaller plants on the bottom right of this photo are sunflower seeds that we got out of our bag of birdseed just to see what would happen. They are doing great.
(This photo is from a couple of weeks ago.)
Just about to POP! We can't wait. And just maybe we'll get seeds for next year.
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