We've made a few changes since we moved to the OLD ADDRESS.
We ripped out the bushes in the front, removed the wheelchair ramp, and pressure washed a few things. We aren't done by any stretch of the imagination but it feels better already. Check out these before and I'll say current photos since we aren't done. Next on the list... probably painting the exterior and re-painting the porches.

Whomever built the ramp didn't leave space between the boards so that what's under it could dry out. We found a puddle of mud and full of all sorts of critters.
Like huge earthworms (too bad we don't fish)...


Spiders and babies...

Don't have a clue what this is. C called it a hammer-head worm...

We aren't sure if we want to keep those azalea bushes on the right.

The back porch used to have a huge (it's still there, just quite a bit smaller) gardenia bush growing beside it. I assume the sap from that is what was all over the back porch. But I kept my shoes on just in case.

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